Here's some basic facts about FactorioBin:
- 🌎 FactorioBin has been live for 287,549 Nauvis days (which is 1,386 Earth days)
- 💾 Users have made 18,205 posts with 4.39 GB bytes of blueprint strings (fits on 2,977 floppy disks)
- 👀 Human visitors have viewed posts a total of 15,536,871 times
- 🖼️ This server has spent a total of 77.29 hours rendering 186,159 blueprint images
Among all blueprints posted, here's what you'll find inside:
- 187,797 blueprints
- 19,363 blueprint books
- 2,035 upgrade planners
- 1,356 deconstruction planners
- 141,134,342 entities
- 107,610,673 tiles
- 12,204,302 item requests
These stats were updated 5 hours ago.
Icons and descriptions are from Factorio 1.1.110
and Factorio Space Age 2.0.39