
FactorioBin is a quick, easy way to share Factorio blueprints. Think of it as a replacement for Pastebin. Pastebin has a bad habit of randomly deleting or restricting Factorio blueprints, so it's time for an alternative that won't delete your blueprints unprovoked.

I offer FactorioBin to the community free of charge, and run it in my spare time and with my own money. Please help me keep it that way by not trying to abuse the service.

This website should not be your only backup of blueprints. Please make sure you've saved your own copy of your blueprints as text files. A good place to back those up are services like like iCloud/MS OneDrive/Google Drive/Dropbox.

FactorioBin is an unofficial fan-made service and is not operated by, affiliated with, or endorsed by Wube (the creators of Factorio).


Simple "API"

Got a post URL and trying to get some info about it? Save yourself the scraping and try this instead:

  • Add /info.json onto any post URL to get some basic details about a blueprint.
  • Add /blueprint.txt to be 302 redirected to the blueprint string (or get a 404 if it's not available yet).

A few examples you can try:

Unplanned Features

I'm planning on keeping FactorioBin focused on being the easiest way to turn a blueprint into a shareable URL. There's lots of other venues like forums, Discord, Reddit, etc where you can share that link and talk about the blueprints you have made.

I don't plan on adding things like search, tagging, comments, accounts, etc.


I'm an advocate for privacy on the web, so I strive to collect and store only the information needed to operate efficiently.

Cookies: I do not use any cookies. (I used to use a cookie for CSRF mitigation, but I have since switched to inspecting the Origin header to make even simpler and more private)

IP Addresses: To guard against abuse and help enforce rate limits, the service internally retains IP address information in a short-lived cache. This information is not associated with specific posts and expires automatically after a few hours.

Analytics: To help me understand load time and on-page performance, I'm using Cloudflare Web Analytics, which are designed to be non-invasive and respectful of your privacy. They do not use cookies or fingerprinting and do not enable tracking you across the web.